- Defend our 2nd Amendment rights.
- Outlaw child sex mutilation.
- Secure the border & deport illegal aliens.
- Provide needed assistance to veterans.
- Protect state's rights.
- Implement the party's legislative priorities.
- End RINO obstructionism in the Texas House.
Eliminate Property Taxes
For years, our legislators in Austin have promised property tax relief, but they delivered little more than half-measures and assurances for more property tax rate cuts later. Sure, they have increased the homestead exemptions, and exempted retirees, but that doesn’t solve the problem. In many cases, it makes it worse! They are not advocating for commensurate reductions in spending. They are just shifting the burden of property taxation to others. For example, homestead exemptions shift the tax burden to renters, who have the property tax passed on to them in their rent but whose landlords do not benefit from homestead exemptions on that property.
Continue reading my commentary at Texas Scorecard.
Protect the Sanctity of Life
As a Real Republican, I will uphold the Texas Republican Party Platform, including plank 195, which reads:
"We urge the Texas Legislature to enact legislation to abolish abortion by immediately securing the right to life and equal protection of the laws to all preborn children from the moment of fertilization and to oppose legislation that discriminates against any preborn children and violates the United States Constitution by denying such persons equal protection of the laws, and to adopt effective tools to ensure the enforcement of our laws to protect life when doctors or district attorneys fail to do so."
Read MoreEnsure the Integrity of Our Elections
Election security is essential to preserving the integrity and legitimacy of democratic processes. It guarantees that elections are conducted fairly, transparently, and free from interference, bolstering public confidence in the outcomes. A secure electoral system is the bedrock of our republic, instilling trust among citizens that their votes are accurately counted and that election results truly reflect the will of the people.
Read MoreEmpower Parents With A Flex ESA Program
Implementing a bold new model for school choice in Texas can deliver both cost savings and greater educational freedom for families. The key lies in establishing Flexible Education Savings Accounts (Flex ESAs), empowering parents to take control of their children’s education while easing the financial strain on the state’s public school system.
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